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What You Should Know About Air Duct Cleaning

Air Duct Cleaning is a procedure performed by professional cleaners to remove dust, dirt and allergens from air vents, return grilles and supply registers. This is done with specialized brushes, air compressors and vacuum cleaners. It is not a do-it-yourself project, as improper cleaning can result in recirculating pollutants and debris throughout the house. This can lead to further health problems. In order to make sure your ducts are cleaned properly, look for a contractor that is certified and uses National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) standards. This will ensure the job is done correctly and efficiently.

Dirty ducts can cause a variety of respiratory issues. For those with auto-immune disorders, chronic allergies or asthma, breathing in these particles can aggravate their conditions. Even for those without respiratory issues, the irritants found in dirty ducts can trigger sneezing, coughing and sinus and bronchial congestion. Air duct cleaning can eliminate these irritants, leading to improved comfort and better indoor air quality.

The best way to determine if your ducts need to be cleaned is to do a visual inspection. Look for a musty smell, large deposits of dust or clogged vents. If there is a problem, your next step would be to schedule a cleaning appointment with a certified contractor.

Before the technician arrives, it’s important to make sure your vents are open and clear of furniture and clutter. This will allow the technician to access all areas of your ducts. In addition, it’s helpful to have a clear path to your furnace, which is usually located in the basement or garage. If you have pets, please make sure they are crated or put in another room during the cleaning. The noise and activity can frighten them.

During the cleaning process, the technician will use brushes and other agitation devices to loosen the contaminants. Then, a high-powered vacuum cleaner will be used to collect the debris. Some contractors may also use cameras to inspect the interior of your vents, especially those in hard-to-reach places.

Some service providers may also recommend applying a chemical biocide to the inside of your ducts, in order to kill microbiological contaminants and prevent future growth. It is important to understand the pros and cons of allowing this application prior to permitting any duct cleaning or sanitizing.

While studies have shown that a dirty air duct can contribute to respiratory and other health problems, it has never been proven that duct cleaning will actually prevent these problems. Studies have also failed to show that duct cleaning reduces particle levels in the home. Most of the dust and pollutants in a home enter through other sources, such as windows, doors, cooking, cleaning and everyday activities. While the EPA does recommend duct cleaning, it should only be performed by a trained and certified contractor to avoid negative effects on your health or your ductwork. A reputable, NADCA-certified contractor will take three to five hours to perform a thorough duct cleaning.

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